Tag Archives: experiences

Being More than “Just” a Geek

A geek is often described as one who is passionate about their hobbies or fandoms, and when it comes right down to it, this is a pretty accurate description of what we are. Passion is a wonderful thing and we geeks have it in abundance. Sometimes, however, passion (at least for just one thing) is not enough.

I feel rather strongly that in order to lead a truly full life, humans must have as diverse an experience as possible. As is so often the case with geeks, I sometimes tend to find out little niches and stay there, rarely venturing out into the rest of the world. Being an introvert, I can understand how this is both easy and comfortable for others as well. It’s hard to come out from under our little shelters and interact with the world as a whole. We are not the best at social interactions and it is often frustrating and emotionally exhausting. This does not mean that in the end doing so isn’t worth it. Take my job for instance. I am not by nature an outgoing person who likes to get up in front of people and speak. My choice of career however requires that I do exactly that, at times on a daily basis and for hours at a time. I often come home completely exhausted only to have to do it all again the next day. Having said all of that, my job is one of the most rewarding things in my life. I love what I do, and so I take the good with the bad. Had I refused to do something that makes me uncomfortable, I wouldn’t have this amazing job. Continue reading

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